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اسلایدشو دانشکده حقوق و علوم سیاسی
اسلایدشو دانشکده حقوق و علوم سیاسی
دانشجوی فعال
فارغ التحصیل
هیات علمی
In 1977 under the name of faculty of Law and comprised only a single department, i.e., Law. In 1993, the first master's degree program in public law and private law started with the admission of students, and then in 1996, a new subfield called "International Law" was added to the collection of master's degree programs in this department. In 2002, the field of Political Science was first taught in this faculty and the faculty was renamed to the "Faculty of Law and Political Sciences". In 2005, the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology also started its activities in this faculty. In February 2013, this faculty managed to launch doctoral programs in private law, criminal law and criminology. And, in the year 2017, doctorate of Public Law and in 2018, doctorate of Political Science started their activities.
گروه های آموزشی :حقوق جزا و جرم شناسی - حقوق خصوصی و اسلامی - حقوق عمومی و بین الملل - علوم سیاسی
- تماس: 6287310- 0713 دورنگار: 6287311- 0713 کدپستی: 85115-71946